Nowadays many factories and laboratories have a fleet of obsolete testing equipment, which is sometimes more than 20 years old. This is especially true of equipment from Schenck, MTS, which basically equipped all the laboratories and testing centers in Soviet times.

Naturally, in terms of electronics and control, this park is morally obsolete. It is not repairable and not supported by manufacturers.

The price of a ready-made new stand to replace an outdated fleet is too high and not every company can allocate such amounts for updating test stands. However, often the mechanical part in existing old stands is in working and quite acceptable condition. Modernization of these systems only in the field of management can bring very significant economic benefits.

After a thorough analysis, we came to the conclusion that it is economically feasible to modernize existing equipment - prevent servo-hydraulic systems and replace electronics with more modern ones.
We offer both standard solutions and non-standard flexible systems that take into account the specifics of specific user tasks.

Main directions of our activity:

• modernization of test benches
• modernization of the loading and measurement system
• supply of test benches
• certification of test benches in accordance with GOST R 8.568-2017

We strive to find with our customers the most appropriate, and most importantly, cost-effective solutions.

During our work, we have successfully implemented and commissioned projects in Russia and abroad, for example, a joint project with FSUE TsIAM and the French company Snecma Moteurs to conduct comprehensive tests to study the strength of materials for gas turbine aircraft engine blades.

Schenck PEZ 100kN universal testing machine with high-temperature chamber was upgraded:
• hydraulic units replaced
• the outdated and failed control rack has been replaced by a modern one based on the measuring equipment of our company
• written appropriate software for low-cycle fatigue testing and study of the stress-strain state of the material
• Calibration and debugging of the system followed by certification of the stand